Monday, November 2, 2009

Semi-Charmed Life

Wow, returning to the land of Shotguns and Battle Axes after over a year-long hiatus is almost as bad as watching family home videos from eighteen years again: Everything is extremely out-dated and you can laugh at how ridiculously moronic you sounded way back when.

I'll address the latter concern first...

Sorry for all of my melodramatic and overly whiney posts. Now we can move on to the updating.

Well high school's over (you completely missed my entire senior year) so I'll run through that as quickly as I can...

Emily and I broke up. Hooked up with Kayla (whom I dated for 11.5 months) Which is also over.

I was My Senior Class V.P. That was a very incorporating experience, I felt very important and neeeded. Now 5 months post graduation I realize how much high school affects nothing whatsoever. Ha.

I had been completely ready to go with Southern Utah University (enrolled, classes picks, housing reserved, etc...) as I had put the mission (and the church in general) out of my mind as an unimportant, and unnecessary burden. About two weeks before I was set to attend college (about a month after I was back in Utah) I decided the mission took priority over education. So I cancelled.

Now I work two jobs (Dave's Health and Nutrition and Netgear Computer Networking) saving up for the mission. You're basically caught up now.

(sorry for all of the Parenthesis)

(and again)

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