Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Block

All Excitement and thrill of rushing to the computer to post a new blog is quickly stifled every time I try. After the quick and easy trip to the computer, logging onto my profile, and setting up a new post... Stop. Nothing. Nothing comes I sit, Rack my brain and beg anyone who will listen for a small topic to write about. Still, Nothing. The clock's ticking and toc-ing Rubs the sad fact that I have nothing to write about in my face. *sigh* every time after a few minutes of pondering The same revelation comes back to me: Nothing. Slowly and rather self-dejectedly I log off and go find some other less useful way of spending my time.
But alas all of the many failing tries have paid of and have actually been building up to this grand moment where it has actually given me something to write about. Now I can rant and rave freely as my brain's creative juices flow and spill the wonderful words onto the screen. . . . . .
