Monday, April 7, 2008

Where is My Mind.

I got a Cell phone! So now you can do all the texting and all the other stuff at me you want!

My number is 970-270-5996

So that is swell you should hook me up with your number's cuz I had a tendancy to lose them!

I watched Donnie Darko this week . . .twice (don't ask)

I really like that movie.

A Lot!



The Reimann's said...

nice in a donnie darker mood eh? I programmed your number in my phone.... my number is 7839955 and stevies is 6187256... my a great day kari

Evans Fam said...

Yeargh. Hey, just letting you know I still pop in once in a while. Peace! I IM'd you the other day... haven't heard back yet.

ma as-salaama